Antibiotics and diseases after sex

In some cases, intimacy between partners can cause health problems. At the moment, there are more than 20 varieties of the diseases after sex. All these diseases are grouped into a group of STDs. This also includes venereal infections.

The infection can pass from the patient after sex, regardless of the type of contact, and then manifest itself after a certain period of time. The causative agents of STIs can be bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, including parasites.

Causes of STI infection after sex

Infectious diseases after sex occur if one of the partners is infected. During sexual intercourse, the pathogen is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one.

The carrier of the infection secretes the pathogenic form from the genitals, as well as from other organs. The mucous membranes of not only the genitals, but also the mouth, anus, eyes, as well as elements of a rash of a sick person can pose a danger to a healthy person.

Pathogenic microflora in patients may be contained in various biological fluids: in secretions, semen, blood, urine, saliva. In close contact of an infected person with the mucous membranes and skin of a healthy person. Especially if there are micro-injuries on them, pathogens penetrate the body and after a while the disease manifests itself.

Many infections are characterized by infection through blood. This can happen in the presence of microtrauma during sexual intercourse and direct contact with the patient’s blood.

What diseases can develop after sex

After unprotected sexual contact, the risk of infection increases dramatically. As a result, after sex, a disease often develops, which is manifested by specific symptoms. In some cases, signs of infection with STIs may not appear in any way, and a person may not suspect that he has a dangerous disease. Infections can vary in origin, they are caused by:

Most STIs are caused by pathogenic bacteria. Among such diseases are venereal infections. The list of them is small:

  • gonorrhea;
  • syphilis;
  • chlamydia;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • genital herpes;
  • HPV, etc.

Protozoids cause trichomoniasis, a fungal infection includes Candida. There is a group of pathogens that do not always provoke an inflammatory process.
These include the conditionally pathogenic microflora of the genitals, which is activated when favorable factors for growth and development appear. These are candidiasis, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, gardnerellosis.

Pathologies of viral origin may develop after sexual contact:

  • hepatitis;
  • HIV infection;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • genital herpes;
  • contagious mollusc;
  • papillomavirus (HPV).

There are diseases that are transmitted through close contact, including sexual contact – scabies (the causative agent of the scabies mite), phthyriasis (caused by pubic lice).

Diseases after sex in women

If we compare the probability of developing STIs in men and women, then the pathology caused by sexual infections develops much more often in the weaker sex.

During sexual contact, the mucous membrane of a woman’s genitals may be traumatized. This may be due to a lack of lubricant production, which is secreted by special glands localized in the vestibule of the vagina.

Also, the appearance of microcracks may be caused by a mismatch in the size of the genitals of sexual partners or the use of condoms with irritating elements.

Infections that occur after anal sex

This type of sexual contact is unsafe in terms of the possibility of infection with STIs. Not all pathogens are able to survive in the rectum. But some infections can develop in the anus, this is:

  • pale treponema
  • pathogens of viral hepatitis C and B
  • HIV infection
  • cytomegaloviruses
  • gonococcal infection
  • of chlamydia
  • papillomavirus infection
  • genital herpes virus

Hepatitis viruses, as well as HIV, are able to enter the blood, other infections act locally.

Further development of the process proceeds in the same way as with infection in another way.

Rashes in sexually transmitted diseases after unprotected sex can not always be detected immediately. The primary sign of syphilis is the formation of a solid chancre.

The element, being inside the rectum, cannot be detected in a timely manner, but a couple of months after the formation of the chancre, signs of secondary syphilis will begin to appear.

In the case of infection with genital herpes, rashes will initially appear in the anal zone, and with papillomavirus infection, anal warts are formed. A number of diseases are manifested mainly by local signs – with gonorrhea and chlamydia.

As a result of infection during anal sex, they will provoke complications such as proctitis and inflammation of the anus. Infection during anal sex is associated with possible traumatization of the rectum due to the weak elasticity of its walls and the risk of infection increases dramatically.

Diseases that can occur after anal sex are HIV, hepatitis B and C, genital herpes, HPV, gonorrhea, syphilis. Moreover, both partners are at risk of infection.

As a result of microtrauma, blood is released that gets on the penis, and contact with the blood of an infected person is one of the ways to transmit dangerous infections. Diseases that develop after anal sex have more aggressive manifestations than after traditional contact.

When and what symptoms of the disease appear after sex

The appearance of certain pathologies after sexual intercourse can be diagnosed by the person himself according to a number of characteristic signs. But first the incubation period must pass.

For example, with syphilis, such a sign will be the formation of a primary syphiloma (solid chancre). With gonorrhea – the appearance of specific secretions from the genitals and the presence of signs of cystitis.

diseases after sex

There are also diseases whose symptoms manifest themselves after a long period of time after entering into unprotected sexual intercourse. These include HPV, HIV, hepatitis.

Due to the anatomical features of the structure of the genitals, women are more susceptible to infection than men. Symptoms in women are less pronounced than in the opposite sex. For example, the first symptoms may appear on the cervix or in the vagina, and therefore remain unnoticed.

If a person enters into a homosexual relationship, then timely diagnosis will also be difficult due to symptoms uncharacteristic of damage to the urogenital system. With various infections, the signs of the disease after sex may differ. Some diseases are manifested only by local symptoms, while others affect the entire body. In most cases, the infection affects not only the genitals, but also the urethra.

Treatment of diseases after sex

Often people don’t know where to turn if casual sex has taken place. As a rule, a woman can go to a gynecologist for a consultation, and a man can go to a urologist.

After the doctor will conduct an examination for the presence of STIs and find out whether there has been an infection, he will decide which doctor will treat the patient. In the presence of a venereal disease, a venereologist should carry out treatment.

It is important to understand that any infection that has appeared after sexual contact should not remain untreated. The main direction of disease therapy is the destruction of pathogenic flora that provoked the inflammatory process. The doctor prescribes the patient’s treatment regimen. Sometimes a simple intake of antibiotics, such as amoxiclav, is enough, but in many cases this will not be enough, so it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Follow all the recommendations of the doctor should be strictly. You can not replace drugs, change the dosage and time of administration. Otherwise, you can get side effects such as infection resistance to antibiotics and ineffective therapy.

Prevention of infections after unprotected sex

If an accidental sexual relationship has occurred, then preventive measures after sex are the first necessity. They may not give an absolute guarantee, but the probability of infection will decrease.

What can be done to avoid infection?

During the first two hours, you need to purchase Chlorhexidine, miramistin (or take amoxil). These products are sold in a pharmacy. Treat the pubic area, the perineum and groin area with any of them. Inject the product into the vagina, urethra, oral cavity, anus and rectum.

After two hours, if no measures have been taken, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The doctor will prescribe preventive medications. In two weeks it will be necessary to pass tests. If you suspect an illness after sex, contact your doctor immediately!

Antibiotics and diseases after sex

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