about amoxil

Amoxil Antibiotics

Amoxil Overview About Amoxicillin Amoxil is a Penicillin antibiotic used to stop infection and kill bacteria. It is often combined with other prescription medicines (such as Prevacid and Biaxin) in order to treat a wider variety of health conditions. In combination with these drugs, Amoxil is prescribed for the treatment of duodenal ulcers caused by […]

Amoxicillin and Amoxiclav, the difference between these drugs?

Amoxicillin and Amoxiclav Medications are antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action. They are used for the treatment of infectious diseases both in pediatrics and in the adult population. They are prescription drugs. Only a doctor who takes into account the diagnosis, severity of the condition, concomitant pathology and sensitivity of the pathogen can prescribe […]

Amoxicillin: portrait against the background of diseases and antibiotics

The experience of clinical use of amoxicillin has about 30 years. It is all the more surprising that now, in the era of the antibiotic crisis, it still (alone and in combination with clavulanic acid) remains one of the best-selling antimicrobials. What is the secret of such longevity? Where and when can we (or should […]

The use of amoxicillin in pediatric practice

Amoxicillin in pediatric practice: Amoxicillin / clavulanic acid (amoxiclav) is an inhibitor—protected beta-lactam antibiotic that has been successfully used in clinical practice for more than 30 years. During this time, numerous data have been accumulated on the use of the drug in various bacterial infections: the scientific literature presents the results of several hundred randomized […]

From the history of antimicrobials

At the beginning of the XIX century, there were already some ideas about the contagiousness of purulent diseases, but they were considered to be caused by gases formed during rotting and entering the body from the air. Their nature was not fully understood, and hygienic measures of that time were mainly aimed at combating the […]

Analogues of amoxil in tablets for adults

Amoxil is an effective and relatively safe remedy for the treatment of infectious diseases. But if patients are intolerant of its components, the use of analogues that have similar therapeutic properties is required. How to choose an analog? Amoxil is a popular representative of the clinical and pharmacological group of semi—synthetic penicillins among doctors and […]

Doctors’ answers about the effect of amoxiclav on the human body.

Therapist consultation, amoxiclav and blood test: Hello. On November 11, 2021, my throat ached (I have pharyngitis) and my temperature rose 37.9. I immediately started taking cycloferon according to the scheme, gargled with chamomile, sage, and took other medications. In addition, I was prescribed azithromycin for three days, 500mg 1 time a day, as I […]

Can antibiotics harm the body?

The antibiotics harm: the use of antibiotics in a number of diseases provides an undeniable help in treatment, allowing you to quickly cope with inflammation. But their use is not acceptable for all colds. Viral diseases cannot be treated with antibiotics, the medicine can cause more harm to the body. It is not recommended to […]

Dispersible amoxicillin tablets

Infection of the lower respiratory tract (INDP) is one of the most common diseases in outpatient practice. Amoxicillin tablets have demonstrated high clinical efficacy in starting antibacterial therapy. ARDS are one of the most common human diseases and still occupy a leading place in the structure of morbidity and mortality from infectious diseases. The incidence […]

Does amoxicillin retain its position today?

Over the past 100 years, a number of discoveries and inventions in the field of chemistry and medicine can rightfully be attributed to the most significant: vaccines, X-rays, blood substitutes, the discovery of the structure of DNA. But, according to doctors, it was penicillin that became the main medical, chemical and biological discovery of the […]

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