
Therapy of sexually transmitted infections

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are among the most significant diseases of a social nature. This is explained not only by their wide spread, but also by the severe consequences for the patient’s body and for society as a whole. What are the current ideas about the therapy of sexually transmitted infections? Complications of STDs in […]

Sexually transmitted diseases in men and women

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), or sexually transmitted infections (STIs) — these terms are understood as infectious diseases, the most common way of infection of which is sexual contact. More than 30 such diseases are known. Causes of STIs Infection with infections in most cases occurs in close contact with the carrier of the disease. Most […]

Dispersible amoxicillin tablets

Infection of the lower respiratory tract (INDP) is one of the most common diseases in outpatient practice. Amoxicillin tablets have demonstrated high clinical efficacy in starting antibacterial therapy. ARDS are one of the most common human diseases and still occupy a leading place in the structure of morbidity and mortality from infectious diseases. The incidence […]

Antibiotics and diseases after sex

In some cases, intimacy between partners can cause health problems. At the moment, there are more than 20 varieties of the diseases after sex. All these diseases are grouped into a group of STDs. This also includes venereal infections. The infection can pass from the patient after sex, regardless of the type of contact, and […]

Antibiotics for sexual infections

In the treatment of sexual infections and sexually transmitted diseases, the main role is given to antibiotics. When inflammation, skin rashes, secretions are detected, broad-spectrum drugs are prescribed, and antiviral and antifungal agents act as “assistants”. There are no replacement drugs for the treatment of STDs. Conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic bacteria – pale treponema, gonococci, […]

The diet when taking antibiotics

For the treatment of most infections caused by pathogenic bacteria, special medications are prescribed – antibiotics. Some of them have a wide range of actions: they destroy a large number of microorganisms. Others-affect only certain species. It is known that the use of antibiotics can lead to unpleasant side effects. “In particular, these drugs affect […]

Antimicrobial drugs

According to the spectrum of activity, antimicrobial drugs are divided into: antibacterial, antifungal and antiprotozoal. In addition, all antimicrobial agents are divided into drugs of a narrow and wide spectrum of action. Drugs with a narrow spectrum of action mainly on gram-positive microorganisms include, for example, natural penicillins, macrolides, lincomycin, fusidin, oxacillin, vancomycin, cephalosporins of […]

Antibiotics in the age of Covid

Antibiotics in the age of Covid: Which have already lost their effectiveness due to their irrational use? What are “reserve antibiotics” and why are many antibiotics sold without a prescription? Treatment of coronavirus infection has once again stirred up the problem of rational antibiotic therapy. Despite the fact that now they are already talking about […]

Natural antimicrobial system

The discovery and mass use of antibiotics in medicine and agriculture in the second half of the XX century caused one of the main problems facing modern medicine – the emergence of resistant forms of pathogenic microorganisms. The therapeutic effectiveness and commercial success of the use of antibiotics have made our dependence on them absolute. […]

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