infections and bacteria

Is the era of antibiotics coming to an end?

According to the World Health Organization, by 2022, more than 80% of existing antibiotics will become useless, as bacteria will become resistant to them. However, doctors do not give up. And they offer solutions that will allow creating new generations of drugs. Ri Yang and his colleagues from the University of Texas have adopted the […]

Consequences of Covid-19 in surviving patients

The long-term consequences of Covid-19 infection are the subject of intensive study around the world. In the January issue of the Lancet journal, the results of a cohort study on a population of 1,733 patients treated for covid infection in medical hospitals in Wuhan Province and discharged between January 7, 2020 and May 29, 2020 […]

Microbe vs Antibiotic

Microbe vs antibiotic: In the global battle against antibiotic resistance, where on the one hand – pharmaceutical giants and governments, ordinary doctors and patients, and on the other – escherichia coli, mycobacteria and vibrio cholerae, no one has emerged victorious, and it is still unknown which side has the upper hand. Just 60-plus years after […]

How the world is developing new antibiotics

Developing new antibiotics: Antibiotics are no longer a panacea: bacteria evolve, ceasing to respond to once-powerful drugs. Our body’s resistance to antibiotics is also developing. In 2019, according to the WHO, the number of cases of tuberculosis resistant to several drugs at once in Russia was 5.4 per 100 thousand people. How much in the […]

Amoxil is a powerful antibacterial drug

Amoxil is a powerful antibacterial drug! The appearance of amoxicillin protected by clavulanic acid on the market is difficult to overestimate. After all, antibiotics are one of the main classes of medicines, without which modern medicine is simply unthinkable. At the same time, despite the fact that the nomenclature of this class of drugs today […]

How to distinguish COVID-19 from SARS?

The main difference between coronavirus and influenza and SARS is the incubation period (the time from infection to the first signs). Respiratory viruses and influenza make themselves felt already on 1-4 days. On average, their incubation period is 2-3 days. The coronavirus takes longer to multiply in the body. Its incubation period can reach up […]

Amoxicillin during pregnancy

Taking medications with antibacterial properties is sometimes necessary during pregnancy, because the immunity of women in the position weakens, so the risk of catching a cold or some kind of infection is quite high. And if the expectant mother is faced with a dangerous disease for her or the fetus caused by bacteria, you have […]

Recommended treatment for sexually transmitted infections

The recommended treatment of sexually transmitted infections, revised taking into account the increasing levels of antibiotic resistance WHO issues new guidelines for the treatment of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis In response to the growing threat of antibiotic resistance, the world health organization (who) has issued new guidelines for the treatment of three common sexually transmitted […]

How to treat pneumonia after antibiotics

Antibiotics for pneumonia Pneumonia is one of the most common and severe diseases of the respiratory system. Its cause, as a rule, are pathogenic microorganisms, so the basis for the treatment of the pathological process are antibiotics-drugs that act directly on the causative agent of the disease. The success of treatment of pneumonia and the […]

Antibiotics for sexual infections

Sexual infections are most often treated with antibiotics. This statement is true only for infections caused by bacterial flora. The human papillomavirus or herpetic infection requires specific therapy, medications with an antibacterial effect in this case do not help. It is important to note that bacterial sexual infections can not be cured by any other […]

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