Year: 2022

Analogues of amoxil in tablets for adults

Amoxil is an effective and relatively safe remedy for the treatment of infectious diseases. But if patients are intolerant of its components, the use of analogues that have similar therapeutic properties is required. How to choose an analog? Amoxil is a popular representative of the clinical and pharmacological group of semi—synthetic penicillins among doctors and […]

Cefepim with taniborbactam: a new combined antibiotic

Venator Pharmaceuticals shared the results of a successful clinical trial of an experimental intravenous combination antibiotic, which is a combination of cefepime with taniborbactam. Cefepim with taniborbactam has passed a reference clinical trial for the treatment of complicated urinary tract infections (cUTI), which has proven its superior effectiveness in comparison with standard therapy in the […]

The dangers of uncontrolled use of antibiotics

Antibiotics are needed to treat many infections, but they are losing their effectiveness. Bacteria resist their influence by adapting and finding ways to survive after exposure to such drugs. Fighting bacteria and medicine Bacterial cells adapt very well – they can naturally become resistant to antibiotics over time, but we are making the situation worse […]

Development of antibiotics: what’s new in science in 2022?

The latest issues of scientific giants reveal a secret related to the life of the brain and its health. In our first April article, we will also talk about the long-term forecast of precipitation that awaits us in the next decade, and draw parallels between the microorganisms of our lungs and the immunity of the […]

Antibiotics: how biochemists helped to survive the war

On November 24, 1944, Soviet troops liberated Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. It was during the Baltic offensive operation that the newly obtained Soviet antibiotic, krustosin, an analogue of penicillin, was used for the first time in the field. Thanks to him, mortality from wounds and infections in the army decreased by 80%, and the number […]

What are the dangers of superbugs?

Bacteria (superbugs) are microorganisms that cause thousands of different diseases from mild to fatal. Antibiotics of different groups are used to combat them. Over the past 70 years, the era of antibacterial drugs has managed to reach its heyday and reduce the pace of development. In the beginning, a few drops of an uncleaned penicillin […]

A new study on the use of antibiotics has been published.

A group of international researchers led by the University of Washington in the United States found that more than 1.2 million people died in 2019 from infections caused by bacteria resistant to a variety of antibiotics. Global health officials have repeatedly warned of an increase in the number of drug-resistant bacteria and other microbes due […]

How to protect yourself from bacterial pneumonia with coronavirus

It is believed that the main threat in coronavirus is lung damage. How does covid lesion occur, at what point is the process complicated by bacterial pneumonia? How to distinguish one from the other, is there a way to protect yourself in advance and prevent COVID-19 from turning into pneumonia, says the candidate of medical […]

How bacteria Develop Antibiotic resistance?

Antibiotic resistance: Doctors warn that if no action is taken, by 2050 10000000 people in the world will die from bacteria that have become resistant to antibiotics. It is for this reason that WHO calls on all countries to participate in the fight against the growth of antibiotic resistance. As for Russia, an action plan […]

Why do people have antibiotic resistance?

Scientists: people could adopt antibiotic resistance from hedgehogs Some resistant bacteria could have appeared 130-200 years ago, that is, long before the mass use of antibiotics. Resistance of human pathogens to antibiotics It is believed that the resistance of human pathogens to antibiotics is a modern phenomenon caused by the direct use of antibiotics. However, […]

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